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Home • Press • ZUXXEZ NETNEWS •
28.March 2003

KnightShift is now just a tick away from the Beta 3 stage.
I had heard that the new Beta version of KnightShift would be different, but I did not expect to be looking a game bursting out of its puberty into early adulthood with such a bang. The overall impression at ZUXXEZ could be heard coming out of every office with comments like WOW! And CORR!

So what's new?.. The terrain density has been increased with the result that the characters' level of detail fits better to the ground and the graphic engine "tweaked" the conclusion of which is a noticeable increase in speed. The new sound tracks for the RPG Mode have been added and the old music has not taken offence and gone to sulk in the corner. The player has the option of one or the other and the result is surprisingly good In the all-new RPG game itself there are so many new artefacts buildings and again options that no one has, as yet, had time enough to explore the KnightShift world adequately to give a comprehensive report. A short word to an unnamed game developer somewhere in the world who seems to be "borrowing/plagiarising" ideas and also soon to go on the market with their new product. "Give up! You can no longer compete."

One more thing has to be said to about all the refinements and improvements to the title and this needs to be a public statement. Reality Pump, congratulations!

Chicken Shoot
Here is a little something for the hundreds and thousands who have been bombarding us with phone calls, letters, e-mails and faxes asking for info on the release date of Chicken Shoot. The news is that Chicken Shoot has now reached the final beta stage, which is very, very bad for me. How on Earth am I supposed to work with the sounds of clucking, squawking and laughter echoing around the building?

My dear colleagues are working on the last balancing tasks and have been testing the multiplayer functions complete with all the noises that belongs to these tests. These are also very probably the noises the players will be making when they see and play for the first time. And the phones are still ringing. And our data bank for interested persons is growing. My last count was 8000 and your request will help us get to the target of 10,000 requests before release.

TGIF. (Thank God It's Friday)




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