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Home • Presse • “Two Worlds”: Developer gets more time •
11.August 2006
“Two Worlds”: Developer gets more time
+++ Role playing game will be released in 4th quarter 2006 +++
Zuxxez Entertainment will invest additional development time into the role playing game “Two Worlds”. The delay into the 4th quarter of this year will makes sure that the title will release in its’ full splendour.
Miroslaw Dymek, Technical Director of the Reality Pump development team: “’Two Worlds” is a milestone in our company’s history. We want to be sure that every gamer will have as much fun playing our game as we are having during its’ development. Therefore, the focus of our team will be to create a quality RPG game and not in making the previously mentioned September time frame.”
CEO Alexandra Constandache: “We wanted to be on the safe side and did not want to compromise the ground breaking potential of this great game. The last few weeks of development have opened up many new options regarding graphics and game play and we want to realize these in a time frame that is stress free”




Screens, Packshots, Artwork