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Home • Prensa • ZUXXEZ NETNEWS •
19.December 2003

The Last For 2003

This is the Zuxxez Entertainment news page for the last time this year and telling you the news is absolute priority before we all go off and start drinking mulled wine in preparation for the next few days of celebration and excess.
We also have an excess of news, which we have not been holding back on, but have collected over the last month to limit the amount of padding I write to fill the articles.

KnightShift is now, slowly but surely going worldwide as Dreamcatcher in France take over the publishing rights for KS in France, of course, and all French speaking territories. That's a lot of territory!
More KnightShift for Europe. Spain, Portugal, Benelux, Scandinavia, Russia, The Czech Republic and Slovakia (The Slovak Republic) will all be playing my pet project over Christmas and ignoring the Pope's address to the world, even if it should be his last.
The Hunger for KnightShift in Hungary will be satisfied in January 2004 by Seven M and KochMedia are to release, yes KnightShift, in the UK, Italy and South Africa in March 2004.

KnightShift Update 1.109
There is a patch, an update for KS, which makes a lot of improvements to the game and brings one or two nice surprises. This is really something for the RPGer. Where else can you play in one online session, store all your gear and move to another game or rejoin later? Are you interested? See the KnightShift pages!
See also the KS site for a little linguistic goodie, if you have the Atari USA version of once upon A Knight or the German version of KnightShift and would like to play the full English version there is an update waiting for you at the above

The I of the Dragon, pronounced eye and not EL and not ONE, is a great game from Primal in Moscow, which you or may not of heard about. If you stick to checking this page for updates, you will get to read an awful lot more about it. So what about The I of the Dragon? Well, It is to be published in Europe, Africa and South America quite soon and the publisher is us, I mean Zuxxez and KochMedia will be handling the distribution. Our friends in Prague; Hype are to distribute this game of battling dragons in The Czech and Slovak Republics. The I of the Dragon website, the German version, should be online before Christmas.
Zuxxez also brings you the alternative to CCPM (Crappy Christmas Pop Music.) The sound tracks to The I of the Dragon and KnightShift is available as of now.

KochMedia once again! Yes it seems there is a little affair going on between these two companies, but I assure you this a very promising business relationship only. ;) Anyway, KochMedia and their games label Deep Silver have extended contracts with us for the ChickenShoot series and they really seem to like The I of the dragon as well, which is correct 'cos it's good stuff!

ChickenShoot Christmas Freeware 2003
Have I mentioned ChickenShoot yet? ChickenShoot 2 and ChickenShoot have been released in Germany will be coming to the rest of the world ASAP. Christmas is coming and the Geese are getting slaughtered! And it's the right time of year to tell you about another freeware version of ChickenShoot! Available for download now, by following the link. You get two levels and a bonus level to help you pass the time over Christmas while the Aunties are having the annual natter about what a sweet little baby you were. In fact I recommend getting out of that one ASAP before you lose you plum pudding to the plumbing.

Ladies and Gents, boys and girls, all of us here wish all of you out there a very merry and peaceful Christmas and thank you all for your interest in the games we bring you.
May the coming New Year bring wealth, happiness and good health and above all a very Zuxxezful 2004.





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