It is 2150, one of the darkest years in the history of mankind…
While the Lunar Corporation, Eurasian Dynasty and the United Civilized States battle it out to the bitter end on the home planet, a secret research project is underway on the moon. Only the project code name is known...."Project SunLight".
To find the reasons why the Lunar Corporation has become so obsessed with this project, a huge armada of UCS spaceships blasts off for the moon.....
THE MOON PROJECT runs parallel to EARTH 2150 - Escape from the Blue Planet, the award-winning, best-selling realtime-strategy hit from TopWare Interactive.
The UCS and the LC go head-to-head in a completely new game environment - a brand-new story with campaigns, new units, buildings, songs and much, much more. All these elements combine to make The MOON Project an absolutely new and gripping experience in the EARTH universe for gamers of all ages.
But that's not all this game has in store for the player. There are lots of "Bonus Materials", an expanded map editor with innumerable new objects and textures and a tool to create your own banner and game interfaces. And if that's still not enough, then there's "EarthC" -, the script language to design individual story campaigns and edit unit values and behavior and the list goes on and on....